downwardly closed造句


  1. The family of graphs in which each component is a cactus is downwardly closed under graph minor operations.
  2. The family of graphs in which each connected component is a cactus graph is downwardly closed under graph minor operations.
  3. One completion of " S " is the set of its " downwardly closed " subsets, ordered by inclusion.
  4. It's difficult to find downwardly closed in a sentence. 用downwardly closed造句挺难的


  1. "downward trend"造句
  2. "downward velocity"造句
  3. "downward wage rigidity"造句
  4. "downwarde spiral"造句
  5. "downwardly"造句
  6. "downwardly mobile"造句
  7. "downwards"造句
  8. "downwards funarg"造句
  9. "downwards funarg problem"造句
  10. "downwards journey"造句

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